Thursday, May 28, 2009

Abby's last day of preschool!

As much as I hate to believe it is true, it is... My "baby" is growing up! Today was a milestone in her life, and ours, as it was her last day of preschool! We couldn't be more proud of how far she has came in the last year. I would HIGHLY recommend preschool to any parents who question weather to enroll their child. It's given her the chance to express herself in a structured environment, learn to socialize, and make new friends. All which she desperately craved.

I asked Abby... what does this make you now? Here was her response...

Abby is looking forward to her summer now, and is ready to start " Big Girl School!" Till then, she would like you to enjoy one of her mini cupcakes she made herself for her preschool pals.

Congrats to my "baby" girl. Mommy & Daddy love you!